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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Postscript on Les

Pete has the signed copy of Les Powles' book at home and says that he built his boat himself. It was certainly rugged and even more agricultural than Berri. No sponsors, no packdrill. He also heard that Les did set off for Australia after we met him and got into trouble in the Bay of Biscay. He was eventually found and guided into harbour somewhere and wrote a heartfelt letter to one of the yachting mags apologising for putting so many people to so much trouble and admitting that perhaps he was getting too old for that kind of thing. He must be in his eighties. Sad to hear, but Onya Les! Respect from those who understand.

Trivia: Ferals - great excitement amongst the Boot colonies, now evolved through many generations both in the boat and in Jeremy's shed where they would certainly have added new genetic material - there were signs the other day that socks and boots were to be deployed but cries of disappointment when the TPS gear came out (Thermal Protection Survival, Carol. google Guy Cotten) but what they don't know is that the TPS suits will rapidly develop interesting colonies of their own - even more humid and hothouse.

Albatrosses - we were visited by our first big one, a Southern Royal and there have been several Yellow Noses hanging around. Also lots of dark petrels - I think White Chinned, Kerguelen and Soft Plumage but not easy to differentiate. Jill, they park on the water - even the Albatrosses - and talk amongst themselves and then catch us up or just do their own thing - they tend to ignore ships but I think some of them are used to fishing boats and a free feed so they hang around us.

Things that work: M&Ms and the South African version of a Mars bar, called Bar One, in very similar wrapper but has more toffee and less creamy stuff. Still a massive sugar hit. Feeling smugly nauseous.

Anne and Jim, Juddy, Jeremy and Adrie, Fiona, Gerry & Donna, the RANSA mob, Paul & Pauline, the Chain Locker crew, Jeanne and Nereida, HNY all y'all and thanks for your good wishes.

Back in wallow mode but should not last - I think we'll pottle down to 40S soonish and work the systems as much as Berri's geriatric pace will allow. Kergers, here we come.