For Berrimilla's first circumnavigation, the International Space Station
and the North West Passage, go to

Thursday, December 10, 2009

More photos

Basically - going down the Tagus leavint Lisbon - Prince Henry monument on the right, then close up of monument and Himself with two seagulls providing appropriate comment, then Spectacled Petrel and Atlantic Yellow Nosed Albatross but they are all ou of order  sorry!

Some photos

Trying to get organised - being looked after ratehr well but it takes time to get it all working in a strange city...The photos never seem to load in the same order I want them so I'll put headers with the next send

Safe Arrival

At 13.30 UK time we received a call from Alex who was in the bar with
Pete at the Royal Cape Town Yacht Club, medical refreshment firmly in
hand. He won't be able to get to a computer until tomorrow and asked
that we confirm their safe arrival.
Posted by I & G in the UK, together with the images below. We don't
really know where Berri is moored at the Royal Cape Town Yacht Club:
we've just guessed that they'll be as near the bar as possible.

Cape Town At Last!