Stop yer whingeing, SisyFart. Looked at in any way but as a Conspiracy of Examiners, we have been lucky.
The AirX died out there in the Bay of Biscay. Not off Tristan da Cunha. We were within easy sail of Lisbon and there's a Southwest Windpower agent here. Score 1.
My tooth went berserk after we got here – not out there in an Atlantic gale - and we were introduced to a local friend who kindly and competently pointed me at his own dentist and organised an appointment. And took us out to dinner. Twice. Thanks John! Score 2.
And the damper plate self destructed here in the Doca. Not out there in the ITCZ. Score 3.
And I can say Dues Cervejas in Portugese. Score 4 and onward.
And who knows what a 3 week delay might mean when we get down to 40 S. Score to be determined.
Been amusing myself with the tools of self justification – proverbs like 'Fools rush in…' or its opposite 'Fortune favours the brave' or even 'Carpe diem'. There's one for every circumstance. Anyone got any good suggestions for this pongy Doca? 'There but for the grace of God…' perhaps for you lot but what about us? Actually, I like the one in the Baez song about the juniper – 'there but for fortune go you or go I' meaning into gin soaked oblivion but it works in more devious ways.
Post them on if you've nowt better to do. And thanks to everyone who have sent us messages and support. Fantastic and I'm trying to reply to you all as we go.