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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A bit of wisdom and a mini update

From Con and the Munster Rugby team over there in Crosshaven:

To the brave and faithful, nothing is impossible

And from my sister:

Maybe the Doca is thinking this about YOU..


"As we say in Athens, fishe and gestes in three dayes are stale".


1580 John Lyly from Euphues & his England II. 81 


If you are mystified, gestes has a hard g

Thanks to both of you!

We now have a new Airbreeze wind generator installed and it seems to be behaving, Thanks to Ketter at Southwest Windpower in Flagstaff and Sonia and Fernando at Telextronica here. We're going to watch it for a day and then, weather permitting get out of town. Been here way more than three dayes.